Calories in Banana, Calories Nutrition in Banana

Banana Calories Fruit Nutrition facts

Enjoy the energy-rich food of nature’s banana Calories fruit, which also comes with a safety envelope! Fresh, creamy, and delicious, dessert bananas are one of the cheapest and most readily available fruits year-round.

Botanically, it belongs to the Musaceae family. From a commercial point of view, it is one of the most cultivated plants in tropical and subtropical areas. Scientific name: Musa acuminate black.

Calorie Banana

Banana is a perennial herb that grows from underground prisms. It grows in low tropical areas, is rich in moisture, and is humid.

Bananas have unique growth characteristics. In fact, the whole tree is a false stem (pseudo-stem). This pseudostem consists of broad leaves with long petioles that overlap in a disc shape.

Depending on the type of variety, the entire plant can reach a height of 2-6 meters. When mature, the prism produces a flower (inflorescence) that is born along the main stem (true) (smooth, unbranched stem) and passes through the center of the pseudotumor. The flower finally emerges from among the clusters of leaves.

The inflorescence then turns into a large drooping cluster of 3-20 hands (fruit layer), with at least 5-10 fingers on each hand (banana fruit).

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Nutritional Info in Banana

Carbs: 30 g

Dietary Fiber: 3 g

Sugar: 19 g

Fat: 0 g

Saturated: 0 g

Polyunsaturated: 0 g

Monounsaturated: 0 g

Trans: 0 g

Protein: 1 g

Sodium: 0 mg

Potassium: 450 mg

Cholesterol: 0 mg

Vitamin A: 2 %

Vitamin C: 15 %

Calcium: 0 %

Iron: 2 %

Amazing Health Benefits of Banana Fruit

Banana is one of the high-calorie tropical fruits. 100 grams of meat contains 90 calories. However, it contains many health-promoting phytonutrients, such as dietary fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.

The banana fruit contains a soft and easily digestible pulp, and simple sugars such as fructose and sucrose, which give energy immediately after consumption and give new life to the organism. That’s why it’s a favorite speed bar among athletes for instant energy. One of the supplements recommended in the treatment plan for malnourished children.

The fruit contains soluble dietary fiber (7% DRA per 100 g), which helps regulate bowel movements, reducing constipation problems.

Banana Nutrition Calories

Contains antioxidants low in health-promoting polyphenols such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and ß-carotene. Together, these compounds help protect against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS), which play a role in aging and various diseases.

Bananas are a good source of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), providing about 28% of the recommended daily intake. Pyridoxine is an essential B-complex vitamin that plays a beneficial role in the treatment of neuroinflammation and anemia. It also helps in reducing the level of homocysteine ​​(a cause of coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke) in the human body.

Vitamin C helps the body fight off infectious agents and build up harmful oxygen-free radicals.

Fresh bananas are rich in minerals like copper, magnesium, and manganese. Magnesium is essential for strong bones and plays a role in protecting the heart. Manganese is used as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Copper is an essential trace element for the formation of red blood cells.

The rich source of potassium is fresh bananas. 100 grams of fruit contain 358 mg of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cells and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure and counteracts the harmful effects of sodium.

Preparation and Serving methods

Bananas have a protective outer layer of nature and are therefore less likely to be contaminated by microorganisms and dust. Eat bananas as they are, without additives. Throw the skins on and enjoy! Banana slices are a great addition to fruit salads. A fresh banana smoothie with sugar syrup is a refreshing drink.

Preparation and serving Method

Bananas have also been used to make fruit jams. Can be served in a Caribbean-style dessert with grilled banana cake/ice cream,  Banana chips (dehydrated or fried banana products or banana slices) are popular snacks. Baked and mashed dessert bananas make great cakes, casseroles, muffins, pieces of bread, puddings, and more. Raw kale and green kale can be used as vegetables in the recipe.

Easy Ways to Incorporate Bananas into Your Diet

The banana itself as a snack A large fruit provides 121 calories for a good meal. Another easy option is dried bananas. But banana chips contain more calories than other banana foods. Chips about 100 grams contain 519 calories.

If you have more time and ingredients, here are some recipes to put your cooking skills to use. However, it’s important to note that some of the health benefits of bananas can be diminished by the way you eat them.


Banana Pancakes

Banana pancakes are a great start to the day. And this is the easiest recipe that anyone can master, there are many options. Includes options without sugar or starch everything you need:

  • 3 medium bananas;
  • 3 proteins;
  • 2 tablespoons of black currant;
  • 5 tablespoons of oats;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

Put everything in a food processor and fry the pancakes in the pan. The calories of oats and washed bananas per serving are about 327. As a bonus, you get significantly more protein.

For more fun, try Jamie Oliver’s recipe for fluffy pancakes. There are caramelized bananas, honey, and nuts

The bottom line

Bananas are healthy and nutritious. It is high in fiber and low in calories. Most legumes have a low to medium glycemic index and should not cause a spike in blood sugar compared to other carbohydrate-rich foods.

Although no studies have directly examined the effects of bananas on weight gain, bananas have many properties that make them an effective weight loss food.

If you want to lose weight, there is no harm in eating bananas from a healthy diet.

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