What is Physiology? Online – Study Physiology With Harvard



About the Profession of Physiology

Physiology is an experimental science, which is a complex of natural science disciplines. Normally it studies the Physchy of a person.  Physiology seeks to reveal the mechanisms of regulation of the physiological functions of the body and its interaction with the environment. In addition to general physiology, such disciplines as “Adaptation of the body to changed environmental conditions”, “Biorhythmology”, and “Clinical physiology” are studied.

The development of these areas allows you to prepare a specialist who is able to engage in both pedagogical and scientific activities, including solving theoretical and applied problems for practical health care, recreational medicine, sports medicine, school medicine, and psychophysiology.

As a result of the training, the competencies necessary for the professional activity of a physiologist specialist will be formed: the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements in solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary areas; willingness to participate in the

What is Physiology

work of Russian and international research teams using modern research methods and information and communication technologies.

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Career of Physiology

The stages of career growth of a postgraduate graduate of the Department of Normal Physiology cover the following qualification categories:

  1. In the field of scientific activity: candidate of sciences, doctor of sciences, corresponding member, full member of the specialized academies of sciences, member of national and international academies of sciences.
  2. So During postgraduate studies, there is an opportunity to receive presidential and government scholarships and grants from various national and international foundations, as well as to obtain national and international patents.
  3. In the field of teaching: assistant, associate professor, professor of the department, member of national and international academies of sciences.

Subject to successful work and achievement of important results, there is a practice of obtaining honorary titles, prizes, and awards at the national and international levels.

Connection of physiology with Sciences

  1. As a branch of biology, it is closely related to morphological sciences – anatomy, histology, cytology, etc. morphological and physiological phenomena are mutually dependent. F. widely uses physical, chemical, as well as cybernetic, and mathematical results and methods. Laws of chemical and physical processes in the body are studied in close contact with biochemistry, biophysics, and bionics, and evolutionary laws – with embryology.
  2. Animals are of immediate importance for animal husbandry, zoo technics, and veterinary medicine. Most closely F. is traditionally associated with medicine, which uses its achievements for the recognition, prevention, and treatment of various diseases. Practical medicine, in turn, is placed before F. new task studies. Experimental facts F. As a basic natural science, they are widely used by a philosophy to justify the materialistic worldview.

Research Methods in Physiology

Progress F. is inextricably linked with the success of research methods. “… Science moves in spurts, depending on the success of the method. With each methodical step forward, how do we climb a step higher? The study of the functions of a living organism is based both on physiological methods, as well as on physical, chemical, mathematical, cybernetics, and other methods. Science Such a complex approach allows for studying physiological processes at various levels, including cellular and molecular.

The main methods of learning the nature of physiological processes, and regularities of the work of living organisms – are observation and experiment, conducted on different animals and in different forms. However, any experiment performed on an animal in artificial conditions has no absolute meaning, and its results cannot be unconditionally transferred to humans and animals in natural conditions.

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